Type : Siding
Line : Dorrigo Branch
Distance from Sydney : 698.504km
Opened : 9th May 1925
Closed : Unknown
Status : Closed
Name meaning : After the company sited at the location
Notes : A double siding, siding 1 was a 387' dead-end siding, siding 2 exited the 1st siding near the catch points and was a 159' dead end siding.
Location of the sidings (Six Maps)
Founcd this interesting hand drawn diagram dated 1925 in the ARHS track and diagram collection,. The 1930 LA shows Walters and Earps sidings in existence. A good excuse to do some more research on this location. The curve and gradient diagram shows Cascade 5 miles up a 6 mile 1 in 30 grade between Brooklana and Briggsvale. Must have been fun to shunt. (Cheech Cat)